35 Years of Co-Leading our Individual & Marriages/Couples Private Workshops

       *Please Email: [email protected]                            *Please Call or Text our Universal                      East & West Coast Number 760.708.1482


**HOPE is STRONGER than FEAR**         






        *SELF-SABOTAGE & HOW IT AFFECTS                      RELATIONSHIPS                    

 *COMMUNICATION SKILLS                   

*Parenting & Blending Families           


*ANXIETY &  DEPRESSION             


 Local Coast to Coast Workshops                                        *RELATIONSHIPS in CRISIS*                                                                             *RAPID RECOVERY*                                                                                             *PRIVATE                                   COUPLES/MARRIAGE                          WORKSHOPS                                                                         


   DR. MITCH PsyD & LISA                       *LIFE COACHES                   *PRACTICING FOR OVER               THIRTY-FIVE YEARS           *MALE & FEMALE  PERSPECTIVE    

Welcome; Start the journey now. The best is yet to come.








 ***We Offer Several Couples/Marriages/Mediation/Pre-Marital & Discernment                                                                                             (when one or both parties are leaning towards Divorce)  Workshops.

                              ****THIS WILL HELP to RAPIDY ACCELERATE:

                                                        *Your Healing

                                                   *Your Trust in each other

                                                 *Your Communication Skills

                                            *Your Goals & Expectations

                              *Assess your Motivation & your Commitment to Your Healing Process

                         *Find Your Pathway though the Art of  Sensitivity & Forgiveness.                        

****Dr. Mitch PsyD & Lisa Life Coaches ( 35+ Years of Experience) will Teach, Make you Aware,  Identify & Resolve All of your Challenges. We are here for Both of you, Now and in our After-Care Program, (for as long as it takes). We are Extremely Sensitive & Committed to Helping  you Get Back Your Loving Relationship & Your Loving Family. 

      ****During our Couples Workshops, (Depending on the Severity of your Challenges) we will see Both of you   Individually & Together, in order to Completely Understand your Perspectives/Perception of your Challenges and Issues. After our Assessment we will Formulate an Individualized Treatment Plan, so when we all meet for Your Private Workshop, we will have a Plan of Action, in order to Work Through Your Challenges Step by Step. This will Help each of you, Learn the Art of  Communication, Sensitivity, Empathy & Compassion.

****This Advanced Program Works Well Especially, for Couples that have Experienced Traditional Couples Counseling and have been Unsuccessful and Greatly Disappointed. Dr. Mitch PsyD and Lisa Relationship Coaches have over 35 Years of Experience, Helping Couples Connect with each other on a Much Deeper Level (Developing a Deeper Love). 

*******In our Years of Practice you can Rest Assured that we have Seen, Heard and Dealt with  Every Possible Scenario that you can Tell Us.  You have our Ear and our Empathy which makes us even more Determined and Motivated to Help you & Give you the Skills to Overcome each and every Problem you Face Now and in the Future.


         ***Especially, for Couples that have Been through Traditional Counseling & was Greatly Disappointed***

           1) Accelerates Your Healing Immediately (Pathway to Forgiveness) 

           2) Teach & Provide Knowledge about your Relationship   

           3) Demonstrate & Learn Communication (Couples Rules & Skills) 

           4) Learn the Art of a Deeper Love (Intimacy, Sensitivity & Compassion)  

           5) Learning to Set Goals, Realistic Expectations & Boundaries        

           6) Learn how to Deal with   *Self-Esteem *Anger & Control *Co-Dependency *Alcohol/Addictions *Parenting                             *Sexual & Emotional Intimacy *Infidelity *Honesty & Transparency *Narcissism *Emotional/Physical Abuse                                             *Anxiety & Depression *Stress *Blending Families *Breakdown of Communication            

.           7) Having  Dr. Mitch PsyD & Lisa Relationship Coaches  Co-Leading

                                                                  COUPLES WORKSHOPS                                                                                                                                              A) Male and Female Perspective                                                                                                                                                                            B) Longer Workshops (FULL WORKSHOP SESSION 60 MINUTES)                                                                                                C) Dr. Mitch & Lisa have over 35 years of Experience                                                                                                                                      D) High School Sweethearts that are trying to Practice what we Preach                                                                                                    E)  We are Much More Interactive rather then Laid Back (Teaching & Demonstrating)                                                                      F) We are Caring Professional's who LOVE HELPING PEOPLE

             8) Offers Marriage Mediation (to Help you Neg0tiate your Issues/Challenges).

             9) Discernment Workshop (to Assess your Motivation & Commitment to your Relationship: Typically when one                                       or both Parties aren't sure they want to Continue their Relationship).

             10) Workshops are More Interactive and Informative rather than being Passive.

****We also Realized that Dwelling in the Past in many Cases "DOES MORE HARM THAN GOOD". Dr. Mitch and Lisa Now Focus Our Individual Clients & Couples Workshops on YOUR PRESENT Life  Challenges. Therefore, we can Help YOU IMMEDIATELY,  by Giving You the *Tools *Understanding *Knowledge and *Sensitivity,  you Need to Resolve Your  Relationship Problems/Challenges Successfully. 

****However, we are Completely Aware of  how our Past Affects us in the Present, but Does Not Define Us****

                                                                    **HOPE IS STRONGER THAN FEAR**

  *With our 35+ Years of  Experience, we will Educate and Teach you how to Identify & Work Through your Issues to Resolution. Once Achieved, you will have Learned the Art of Communication & Learn How to Overcome Any & All of  Your Communication Challenges in the  Future.  These Workshops are Informative & Powerful, in order to Accelerate Your Healing Process, Learn to Communicate in a Loving, Sensitive & Caring way & Stop any further Damage from Occurring. After our Couples have Completed Our  Relationship Program, their Success Rate for Positive Communication & Sensitivity has increased Substantially. 

                                          (See our Marriage Rules & Skills above on our Website)

       ***Dr. Mitch PsyD & Lisa Relationship Coaches always say, We are the Most Experienced Professional's that are still Working (over 35+ years).  You can always Count on our Honesty & be Assured that we are Not Here to Take Sides with either of you. However, we are on Both of  Your Sides, in order, to Help you get Back your Loving Relationship.

      ***IN ADDITIONWe Are Opened *DAYS *EVENINGS *WEEKENDS  **SAME DAY APPTS**                                                                                                                    ****ASK ABOUT OUR PROGRAM PACKAGES***

                           ***We Now are Exclusively Providing our Services through Online Teletherapy.  All of our Clients Love it and We Feel it is even More Effective and Intimate than in-person, Not to Mention, the Problems with the Winters & Virus/Colds etc. Telehealth allows us to be Opened Seven Days a Week, Evenings & Weekends. You can use your Computer or Your Phone to Log on through the link we send to your Email.

                             ***Our Philosophy is Simple:  YOU ARE NOT ALONE !! 

                 Dr. Mitch PsyD  (Doctorate Degree PsyD from Southern California University, MSW from Tulane University and a BA. in Psychology from Lehman/Hunter College)  and Lisa Couples/Relationship Life Coach & Marriage Mediator (Lehman/Hunter College) have worked as a Psychotherapist for over 35+ Years, Co-Leading all of our Private Workshops (presently both of us are working as Life Coaches). Couples/Marriage Workshops & Alcohol/Addictions are our Specialty & we offer a Male/Female Perspective/Perceptions of your Problems.  Men and Women are wired differently.  "Men are from Mars and Women from Venus".

              ** We Specialize in Private Couples/Marriages/Families/Pre-Marital Workshops & Private Alcohol/Addictions Workshops.  We Both Co-Lead our Workshops, in order to have a Male & Female Perspective. Our Clients Love the Fact, that all four of us will sit down together  and Identify your Real Problems, from both a Male and Female Perspective.

              ** We really are Caring People/Professionals who will  be Sensitive to the Both of  You (We Do Not Take Sides but you can always Count on our Honesty). We will Teach you and Demonstrate to you (right in the First Session) the Skills you need to Communicate Effectively. Therefore, Learn how to Resolve your Problems, Now and in the Future.

                     *** In Addition, we will Help You Build Trust Back into your Loving Relationship. Teaching you the Art of Healing. Forgiveness, Empathy, Compassion & Sensitivity which will bring back Your Loving Relationship that you are both Wanting and Needing.

Services Provided

Deeper Love & IntimacyLow Self-Esteem-Self-WorthDepression & Anxiety
Anxiety & Panic attacksMarriage/Couples WorkshopsNarcissism-Borderline-Bi-Polar
Gaslighting-Love BombingAll AddictionsSubstance Abuse
Grief - Death & DyingLoss and LonelinessPorn Addiction-Social Media
Suicidal ThoughtsRelationships/ CouplesMarriages-Pre-Marriages
Parenting & Co-ParentingFamily & Blended Family issuesSpousal Abuse/Domestic Violence
Communication Skills & RulesTeenagers and ChildrenTrust & Infidelity & Honesty
Fears-Phobias-AnxietyObsessive Compulsive DisorderConfidence & Personal Power
SeniorsSex Addiction & AbuseP.T.S.D. Trauma 
Self -Esteem & Inner PeaceGender IdentitySexuality
LGBTQ IssuesWomen's IssuesAnger & Control Management
Co-DependencyMen's IssuesFinances
Alcohol DependencyAssertivenessHealth & Medical
Eating DisordersSpiritualityPhilosophy



         **ONE OF OUR BIGGEST REFERRALS TO OUR PRATICE IS INFIDELITY, DISHONESTY & LACK OF TRANSPARENCY: We have realized that some Emotional and Physical Affairs are in fact, INFATUATIONS & or  LIMERENCE and therefore, limits the Person's Ability to Think and Reason Properly. It can make them Act Reckless and Out of Control. Therefore, we treat the Infatuation as an Addiction and Teach the ART OF DEEP LOVE

. *****In Addition, Reasons why people Cheat:  Out of Anger, Desire to get Revenge, Needs that are not being met, Loneliness, Boredom, Feelings of  being Neglected, Being Loved Bombed by the person who is Pursuing you, Sexual needs not being satisfied, or just the opportunity  presents itself. All in all, there are many reasons why people Cheat, not just one. We will help our Couples Learn why this has happened & Help our Couples Heal & Find the Pathway to Forgiveness, in order to move forward and try to find the Silver-Lining. **Many of our Couples have overcome these Challenges & Now have a much better Relationship in so many ways.

                                                        ***NEW TERMINOLOGY:   

                          ***Love Bombing:  

Love Bombing is an attempt to influence a person by demonstrations of attention and affection.  It can be used in different ways and for either positive or negative purposes.  Psychologists have identified love bombing as a possible part of a cycle of abuse and have warned against it.


  Gaslighting is Psychological manipulation that makes the recipient question their feeling, instincts and even their sanity (Preys on your Insecurities & Fears).  It is one of the worst forms of dirty fighting and it is used by both men and women. Gaslighting includes a variety of techniques, such as: *Pretending not to understand someone when you do *Labeling your partners thoughts as crazy or imagined *Questioning the other person's memory of events when they remember correctly *Pretending to forget what actually occurred when you actually remember *Denying promises that you know you made *Trivializing the other person's feelings as being too sensitive when their reaction is somewhat normal.


A Defensive Mechanism where someone Emotionally shuts down and Withdraws from a conversation or interaction.                       It can involve refusing to Communicate, Answering questions, or Talking about an issue.

                                      ***Trauma Bonding:

 Trauma Bonding are Emotional bonds with an individual that arise from a recurring cyclical pattern of abuse perpetuated by intermittent reinforcement through rewards and punishments.  This process of forming trauma bonds is referred to as trauma bonding or traumatic bonding. This results when the abused person forms an unhealthy bond with the person that abuses them.  The abused person may develop sympathy for  the abusive person, which become reinforced by cycles of abuse, followed by remorse.

                                           ***Discernment Workshops:

   When Ending the Relationship is on the Table (by one of you or both of you).  This is a Short Term Decision making Process, lasting anywhere between 1-5 Sessions. Our Workshops Goals are to have Greater Clarity & Confidence regarding the Future of  Your Marriage. This will be Based on a Deeper Understanding of what brought you to the point where Divorce is an Option. In Summary, Our Discernment Workshops Helps the Couple Determine Whether or Not they Should or Want to try to Save their Relationship. This Process Provides and Gives the Couple the Opportunity to be Heard, Understood and Talk about why they are Considering Leaving and Considering Staying. 

                                                 ***Best Friends:

       ***Most Important we believe Strongly that being Best Friends is the Key to Recovery of Your Deep and Loving Relationship. We therefore, Focus our Attention on being each others (BFF). We want you guys to be able to Support each other, be a Shoulder to cry on, help you through hard times, Celebrate your Achievements and Encourage you to be the Best you can Be. In Short, Someone that you can talk to about everything, and who makes you feel Comfortable without the Fear of Judgement.

                                                       ***The Healing Process for Infidelity:

 This Process is Three Fold: 1) Taking Responsibility of One's Actions & Learning about why this happened, without Blaming the Relationship. 2) Being Sensitive, Compassionate, Empathic & Remorseful to Whom the Person who this Trauma was Committed on  3) Helping the Person Heal in Time & Learn the Art of Forgiveness. Its Almost the same as POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER: A Disorder in which a Person has Difficulty Recovering after Experiencing or Witnessing a Terrifying Event. This PTSD has Recurring Triggers which can last a very long time and which can bring back Memories of the Trauma accompanied by Intense Emotional and Physical Reactions. Feelings include Intense Anger, Hurt & Pain, Helplessness & Powerlessness, Shock, Despair & Hopelessness, Suicidal Ideation, Feelings that Lower our Self-Esteem & Confidence and More...

                                        ***** NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER (NPD)

 **Some of the Characteristics (at least 5) Include:  *Overinflated sense of self-importance *Constant thoughts about being more successful, powerful, smart, loved  or attractive than others. *Feelings of  Superiority and desire to only associate with high-status people *Need for excessive admiration* Sense of entitlement *Willingness to take advantage of others to achieve goals *Lack of understanding and consideration for other people's feelings and needs *Arrogant or snobby behaviors and attitudes. However, we have been successful in teaching these people Sensitivity, Compassion and Empathy in order to be able to relate to your Feelings & Feel Your Feelings, which can lead to Positive Changes. Have Hope (which is Greater than Fear). ***In Addition, Covert Narcissism is the introverted side of  NPD. These people experience the same insecurities as an Overt Narcissist, but internalizes their self-importance, often while hyper-focusing on their Need for Attention. They come across as Introverted, Self-Conscious and Insecure. 


             *****Remember, their are many Challenges, Problems & Issues that all Couples have, but its the Communication Process that Stays Constant Throughout ones Relationship, therefore, the Communication Process Must be Working Effectively.  With a Communication Breakdown, Couples Will Not be able to Resolve their Problems Successfully. 

                                                   **Marriage Rules & Skills are Located above on the left hand side*

                                                                 *** THE UNCONSCIOUS MIND***

Our Unconscious Mind is present without our knowledge (operating under our Radar) in order to Protect us from Psychological Pain and therefore, can Sabotage our CLOSE and LOVING Relationships. We have to make the "Unconscious Mind" Conscious and the "Invisible" Visible (thru Mindfulness & Awareness) in order to understand  our "Inner Child" which is our Unconscious Mind and how it Operates.  

                   *** Our Unconscious Minds tries to Protect You from getting Hurt & Devastated. In Essence, Deep Love means LOVING without FEAR. Deep Love means Vulnerability, not being in Control, which in turn Creates much Fear & Anxiety of getting Blind -Sided and Hurt/Devastated. Most of us have been Hurt/Devastated Many Times in our Lives and therefore, our Unconscious Mind Does Not Want to ever be Hurt like that again.

                                             *** OUR ALCOHOL & ADDICTIONS WORKSHOPS:


                     ***OUR PRIVATE COUPLES WORKSHOPS  are DESIGNED to have: 

 *Longer time  rather than Traditional Couples Sessions (60 FULL MINUTES)

*Designed to be more Educational & Informational (Learning Skills to Communicate on a Deeper Loving Level)

*Concentrate on our Couples Challenges

*Stay in the Present as opposed to Digging up all your Past

*Give you a Male & Female Perspective of your overall Issues & Challenges

*Teach the Art of Sensitivity-Compassion-Empathy

*Heal our Couples Pain, in  order to Create a Deeper Love between the Two of  You

 *Develop a Pathway for Forgiveness.

                                             ***Our COUPLES WORKSHOP PROGRAM Consists of ***

 1) Having Two Individual Sessions to Learn about your History & Both of your Perspectives of your Relationship.               2) Teach & Discuss the Communication Skills and Rules, Teach you & Identify the Dynamics that are affecting your                   Relationship, Teach you the Art of  Sensitivity & Compassion.                                                                                                           3) Demonstrate how to be Connected (on an Emotional Level) with each other as a Team and Not be Adversarial with                   one  another.                                                                                                                                                                                                     4) Resolving your Present Problems through the New Communication Process and Showing you the Pathway to                          Developing a Deeper Love.                                                                                                                                                                              5) In Addition, Dealing with Specific Problems that are Affecting your Relationship *Alcohol & Drugs *Infidelity                      *Lying  & Lack of Transparency *Parenting & Blended Families *Co-dependency *Control & Emotional/Physical                     Abuse *Addictions of all Types *Mental Illnesses *Anger Issues *Narcissism *Bi-Polar & Borderline Disorders.  

                                           ***DR. MITCH PsyD & LISA RELATIONSHIP LIFE COACHES                                                                                                                          ***OVER 35 YEARS EXPERIENCED                                                                                                                                                                 ***COMPREHENSIVE  WORKSHOPS                                                                                                                                                         ***MALE & FEMALE PERSPECTIVE                                                                                                                                                             ***THE ART OF SENSITIVITY & HEALING                                                                                                                                             ***THE ART OF FORGIVENESS  & LETTING GO                                                                                                        ***WE ARE VERY INTERACTIVE (DEMONSTRATING and TEACHING)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ***OUR PRIVATE ACCELERATED COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM***

                         ***ESPECIALLY, Couples that have Been through Traditional Counseling                                                                                                                      & was GREATLY DISAPPOINTED***                                                                

                                      **********PROGRAM WORKSHOP FEES**********                                                                                                                                                                     (approx. 3 to 5 weeks)   

                       **** INDIVIDUAL  or  INTAKE SESSION:                           $275 per Session (45 min.)

        ****ADVANCED COUPLES PRIVATE  WORKSHOP:                   $195 each Person (60 min.)                                                                         ( Dr. Mitch PsyD Practicing over 35 years )

 **** RAPID RECOVERY COUPLES PRIVATE  WORKSHOP:          $275 each Person (60 min.)                                                                 (Dr. Mitch & Lisa Co-Leading for over 35 years )

                                                          ****CANCELLATION POLICY*****

 We do have our  Cancellation Policy (pay the price for the session), for not Canceling within 48 hours of your appointment time. Thank you for understanding, as we have many clients that we have to turn away, due to our busy practice.

                                                       *****LIFE LONG LEARNING******

Fundamentals of Lifelong Learning** Learning to Know, Learning to Do, Learning to Live Together and Learning to Be. Lifelong Learning is about Developing your Full Potential, Skill Development and Growth via Self-Actualization.

                                                         *****AFTERCARE/LIFE COACHING***                                                                                                                         This Program is Designed to follow you through your Life Journey. We stay with you even after you Graduate from our Program. We will Continue to Guide  you for as long as you want us to, by coming back to us every so often for a TUNE-UP.

                           ***All Our Telehealth Sessions Are Confidential & Always HIPAA COMPLIANT***

**Since Couples/Marriage Workshops  are not covered by Insurance, therefore, you Do Not have to deal with Authorizations or Referrals & Never have to deal with an Annual Max. from your Insurance Company. We Do Accept your HSA (Health Savings Plan)

                                         MARRIAGES & RELATIONSHIPS IN CRISIS:  

We have several Intense Private Couples/Marital Workshops that are Designed Especially for the RELATIONSHIPS that are going through a CRISIS PRESENTLY or want to make Good RELATIONSHIPS Better.  These Couples NEED Extra Attention Right Away and Should Not have to Wait for the Traditional 1x per week Sessions. Please Call Dr. Mitch PsyD & Lisa to go over our different programs we offer. Dr. Mitch & Lisa  will Try and Help you Save Your Marriage/Relationship Immediately.

Contact Me




9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 AM-4:00 PM


8:00 AM-4:00 PM